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Web page for W1AW obtained from FCC data
Web page for W1AW obtained from QRZ XML data
Callbook data for the Web page is obtained from the FCC database installed on RSS (US calls), entity databases installed on RSS (US and other calls), or QRZ data obtained through the QRZ.com XML subscription service. When the QRZ service is used, more information is included, especially for non-US calls. This extra information can be additional station details, the primary photo, and biographical text (which can also include additional photographs).
FCC Data
The FCC amateur radio database is provided with RSS. An update function is provided in System settings (SETTINGS>System) that can be used periodically to update the data.
1: Contact Information
2: Entity Flag
3: World Map
•Centered on approximate coordinates
•Zip code is used for US calls.
•Country center is used for non-US calls.
4: Additional Info
•RSS Entity databases provide this information.
QRZ Data
QRZ data is available on QRZ.com through a subscription service. More information on their subscription plans can be found on the QRZ.com site. RSS requires a QRZ username and QRZ password to utilize this service.
1: Contact Information
2: Entity Flag
3: Primary Photo
•This photo is the image shown when you look up a call on QRZ.
4: World Map
•The map is centered on coordinates from the QRZ database.
5: Biographical Info
•The text is taken from the Biography in the QRZ database for this call.
•The text may include images and animated gifs.